National Park Rankings

National Park Rankings

It’s been said that our National Parks are “America’s Best Idea” and we both agree.  Preserving these parks for anyone and everyone to experience is a great gift to all of humanity.  Now that we’ve visited all 63 US National Parks, I feel...
Wind Cave Trip Report

Wind Cave Trip Report

You would think that visiting Wind Cave National Park would entail actually entering a cave, but unfortunately the elevator there has been out of commission for over a year.  We knew this beforehand, but decided to drive through the park anyway as the above ground...
Theo Roosevelt Trip Report

Theo Roosevelt Trip Report

Theodore Roosevelt is one of my three favorite US Presidents (Abe and TJ are the others).  His efforts toward conservation led to the creation of many national parks and eventually to the National Park Service.  Theodore Roosevelt National Park is a tribute to his...
Mt Rainier Trip Report

Mt Rainier Trip Report

Mount Rainier is mesmerizing.  When you look at it, it holds your glance until you fully digest it’s enormity.  When travelling through the park, you develop a sense for where it is.  And both of these make you love it.  It’s both beautiful and powerful. ...
North Cascades Trip Report

North Cascades Trip Report

North Cascades National Park is one of the least visited parks in the system, which is surprising given its proximity to Seattle.  I’m not sure how they count visitors, but if they only count those who physically cross the actual boundary of the park, then it’s...
Glacier Trip Report

Glacier Trip Report

RV travel during a pandemic gives adventure a new name.  The planning part gets tossed out the window, but the travel part can be manageable.  We punted on our original plan to cruise up California starting in June (most of our reservations were cancelled) and instead...